yes, fairly original, a little bit hard to control but you get used to it after awhile
yes, fairly original, a little bit hard to control but you get used to it after awhile
usually when someone resuhmitts something that sucked before, it's even worse except this time, this time it's actually good
Thanks alot man, youe review means alot to me!
i find that hard to believe.... 12 years? Well whatever you say i guess
yes amazing, this flash is both amazingly original AND fun to play, assuming this is the easy version i can already see the higher levels of this game are going to be very difficult to do, very good game
only good if you need to take out some anger
the game overall isnt that good, but if you're really pissed off at someone and want to get back at them without going to jail then this is the game for you. (even though it's not that good)
nobody ever comes here, it's too crowded
Age 37, Male
Devil's advocate
Joined on 8/14/03